I'm a firm believer that there is room in the blogging community for anyone who wants to blog. That being said, I don't necessarily believe that everyone can build their blog up to be something big (which is definitely not a bad thing). We all have the things that we like, and those things that we look for in new blogs to read. Not everyone is going to like you, which is perfectly alright. They don't have to read! And nobody should expect everyone to love their blog or what they have to say. That's why niches are so important, and figuring out exactly why you blog and to whom.
There are thousands of blogs in the world, and I so wish I could read all of them! But I can't, and neither can you. So, what do I look for in a blog? What is it about those blogs that I do read that makes them so special to me?
Good Design
This is a really big one for me. If I land on your blog, and the design is just not appealing to me, I'll leave without even reading. I know it sounds terrible, but I'm such a visual person, and design is such an integral part of my life. If a blog isn't aesthetically pleasing, I just can't get over the fact that we won't have a lot in common! It's also really hard for me to read blogs that don't have a good layout, or that are difficult to navigate.
Community Engagement
For the most part, I read blogs so that I can interact with the blogger and the community that they've created. If you aren't active on social media (mainly Twitter), that's kind of a deal breaker for me! I want to be able to communicate with you, and to get to know you as a person. If you ignore your readers, that's just not cool and I won't stick around for long.
Original Content
Everyone is different when it comes to the type of content produced, but I much prefer reading blogs where the majority of content is original (rather than just curated). I do enjoy a good round up post or collage every once in a while, but I want to see those content creators, you know, the people whose images you actually Pin on Pinterest. I've tried to move away from curated content myself, and I'm not saying it's easy at all. Personally, however, I much prefer producing things that I can call my own. This doesn't necessarily have to be photos or images, but writing and ideas too! It's really easy to jump on a bandwagon when something becomes popular in the blogging world, but it's a lot more rewarding to be a trendsetter.
Pretty Pictures
While original pictures aren't always necessary for me, having posts that are at least visually appealing are important. I don't care if you use stock photos (though please give credit appropriately), as long as you are adding your own spin to things. It's all about the pictures though, and they're really what pull me into a post. It's the actual content within the post (sometimes the images, sometimes the writing), that make me stay.
Advice and Inspiration
I'm a sucker for self-improvement posts and books and articles. I LOVE reading posts where the blogger shares their expertise on something, even if it isn't something that I'm typically interested in. And bloggers who share their own personal story, along with tips on how they've overcome something they've struggled with, are always my favorite!