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{wedding wednesday :: a forever ring}

And we're back for Wedding Wednesday, week two! Thank you all who linked up last week! Hope you had fun, and I hope you'll come back again this week to link up. Hosting Wedding Wednesday has always been a lot of fun for me, just takes a lot of time. I'm looking forward to getting back into it!

So, I read a somewhat obnoxious article last week that I shared on Twitter, and it seems that most agree with me on this one (at least regarding the story told in the post). Basically, the author told how he had to get his wife three engagement rings before she was happy. 
When we got married she was happy with it, but as we got older and three kids in three years, she figured she needed a little bit of an upgrade," he continued. "I think it was either an upgrade for boobs or an upgrade for a diamond ring. So she took the upgrade for the ring. - Huffington Post
He goes on to say how he reset her original ring with a larger diamond, "but his wife didn't receive the reaction from friends that she'd hoped for." Obviously my first reaction to this was, ew. After thinking about it for a few minutes, however, I couldn't help but wonder...I don't like the way that they did it, but is it really terrible to get a new engagement or wedding ring later in your marriage?

I'll admit, I've asked Robert if I could have another ring to wear as a wedding ring, but it was never because I "deserved" it. My engagement and weddings are extremely special to me, and I don't think I would ever do anything to tamper with them by resetting stones or something similar. I've thought about getting another band, something with a little more bling, but that would be to add to my original set. Or, maybe getting something small and pretty in gold, to go with my current style (I've been eyeing this beauty for a while). But never, ever because it's time to "upgrade." My marriage isn't about my ring, and the size of my ring doesn't represent my marriage. I wear my ring because I'm proud to be married to my husband, and he wears his because he loves me. That's all. 

I'd really like to know what your thoughts are on the matter? There's a lot of controversy and debate regarding engagement rings and diamonds in general these days, I know that. I really would like to know if you ever think it's okay for someone to ask for a new ring, husband or wife.

Now it's your turn! Link up your Wedding Wednesday posts below!

The rules for Wedding Wednesday are simple:

All posts must be recent (within a month) and wedding related. You can post about your favorite current wedding trends, photos from your wedding, your wedding planning experience, etc. That's it!

Obviously I would love it if you would visit the other blogs that are linked up, and I would SO appreciate it if you would link back to Something Charming in your post or use my button. Happy Wedding Wednesday everyone!


Unknown said...

I agree with you on this engagement and wedding rings are sacred to me. I would never change anything about them because of the meaning and memories they hold! Asking for an "upgrade" seems like a bit if a slap in the face to me! Maybe another ring would be acceptable for a "special" occasion, but I don't think it's right to ask for it...wouldn't it loose some meaning if you did? I would want to wear jewelry from my husband because he gave it to me, not because I hassled him into it! xx -b.

Unknown said...

I always thought the "upgrade" thing was a little weird, at least if it's the wife who is ASKING for one. I think it's slightly different if her husband does it because maybe he couldn't afford a more expensive ring he would have LIKED to buy her, and now he CAN afford it so he surprises his wife with a new ring. But that's also synonymous with nice jewelry in general, and I think wedding and engagement rings should certainly still be considered special and sacred.

Unknown said...

I know a lot of people 'upgrade' their engagement rings later in life once they start earning a bit of money. But personally, I can honestly say I would never ever do that with mine, even if we become billionaires. I might add bling to another finger or through a necklace or earrings, but never by altering my engagement ring. It just makes it feel so cheap, you know? But that being said, to each his own. I don't judge anyone who would want to "upgrade".

Unknown said...

I would never ask for a new ring, but the jeweler where Rob got mine actually has a program where you can easily replace the stone for a larger one and just pay the difference. I love my ring and it's still so new to me anyway and I can't imagine ever wanting anything else, but I guess it's not the strangest idea I've ever heard of/thought about. But getting rid of the entire thing for a whole new ring? No! It's way too sentimental and that breaks my heart just thinking about it!

PS My link showed up twice! I'm not sure if you can fix that or what, but I can't delete it from here.

Unknown said...

I think if you got a ring for an anniversary later down the road is good or if you renew your vows later in life. Maybe you can even pass down your first ring to your children. I think upgrades are meaning less.

Unknown said...

I would NEVER ask Matt for an "upgrade." I love the rings he picked out so much, and they are just too important to change. However, one instance I could see myself getting a new ring is when our children are grown up, because I do want to pass this ring on through the family. I do know that some people are just kind of materialistic, and will always be wanting an upgrade, but it's just not something for us.

Unknown said...

My wedding band is my great grandmother's, and my engagement ring is an art deco style ring from the 1930s. I love both so much more than rings with big stones, and would never want to "upgrade." If anything, maybe sometime down the road I would opt to wear an anniversary ring to protect my actual wedding band and engagement ring since they are so old.

Unknown said...

Oh wow that woman sounds like such a brat! lol I can't believe that! My engagement ring is an heirloom in Andrew's family from the 1800s! It looks like nothing I have ever seen before which makes it that much more special to me. Of course I love the bling I've seen on other women but I treasure the family band! It will be tricky to find a wedding band, but I'm excited to try! If I were to get another ring I'd want an infinity band for my right hand or something, but that's about it.

Please link up with me and Kristyn, too! We also host a link-up on Wednesdays! :)

Unknown said...

My engagement ring is exactly what I wanted at the time and I still love it. I flat out told Michael, when we were thinking about getting engaged, that I didn't care how big the stones were. Diamonds were important to me because they are my birth stone, but really, I didn't care too much. What Michael got me was perfect. My wedding band was never what I had imagined, but it's so stunning and fits so beautifully with my engagement ring. I would like to get a second wedding band, maybe for our 10th anniversary, to wear with my other two rings. =) But I would never dream of complaining about the size of the stones in my rings - how tacky! I'm grateful that my husband loves me.

Unknown said...

I love my rings. They are all pave diamonds and smaller diamonds, so there's no way to just upgrade a center diamond. Everyone says " your ring looks just like you", and I think that's the greatest compliment to my husband, that he picked the perfect rings for me.