One of my best blog friends, Andrea over at
A Steady Stream of Chatter, tagged me in her fabulous post about her ten favorite things. If you don't know Andrea, you really should. She's pretty much the funniest person I've met in blog land so far. Don't believe me? Read
this. It's my favorite {and the first post of her's that I read}.
Okay, so now that that's out of the way, here are my ten things. Oh, and she called me her most
honest friend, so I'm going to be honest here. Even if it means embarassing myself, because I like to think that honesty is a good thing. Right?
1. In-N-Out
Does this one really surprise you? I'm sure you are all well aware of my infatuation with these burgers and fries {and, on occasion, their chocolate milk shakes}. If you don't know what In-N-Out is, or if you've never been, I strongly encourage a trip to California just so you can see why I love it so much. And if you don't love it so much, don't tell me. Because then we can't be friends. I mean, not really, but you still shouldn't tell me.
Oh, and if you live in Texas, they recently opened their first two stores in the Dallas area. You better get your butt over there soon. But still come to California. It's pretty awesome here.
2. Taylor Swift
Didn't you know? T. Swift and I are bff.
Ha. I wish.
I first listened to Love Story in January of 2009. How do I remember such an insignificant detail, you ask? Well, because the day after I heard the song for the first time {and subsequently downloaded and listened to it about a hundred times more}, Robert proposed.
Needless to say, I walked down the aisle to Love Story.
I own every single song that Taylow Swift has ever recorded and released. And I know all the words. I've seen her perform twice, though never at a concert: at the 2010 VMAs {Innocent} and at an impromptu performance in Hollywood {Long Live}. I'm desperately trying to get tickets to her Speak Now tour when she comes to LA. I think I might go hungry for a few weeks, just so I can afford a ticket...
3. Geek
Geek is my dog. Well, really he's my brother's dog. Who lives at my parents house. But that's beside the point.
He's a chihuahua. Or, he's supposed to be, at least. It doesn't really matter, because he's cute.
4. Robert, aka my husband
What kind of list would this be if it didn't include the obvious?
5. Twilight
And this is where is starts to get honest. And kind of embarassing.
Yes, I love Twilight. I really only love Twilight for the love story {I'm a sucker for a good romance}, and I'm team Edward, just in case you were wondering.
I probably shouldn't say anything further on this subject, to save myself from further humiliation. I'll also refrain from searching for and posting a picture....
6. My iPhone
Call me pathetic, but I love my phone. On my list of things needed for survival, I would probably place the need for my iPhone between needing sleep and needing coffee.
I only just got this thing in October, and I'm addicted. I can't go back. If I forget my phone in the morning, I will drive home just to get it. I have to fully charge it twice a day because I use it too much.
Random fact that I doubt you knew and probably never wanted to know: my ringtone {for everyone} is Hey Stephen by number two up there.
7. Wine
I know, this list is just a wealth of information about me that you didn't know...
Don't act surprised. I know you're not.
But, in case you need me to be more specific {or in case you suddenly feel inspired to send me a bottle of wine for my birthday}:
I prefer red wine.
Actually, I prefer Cabernet Sauvignon.
Actually, my favorite Cabernet is Firestone.
How's that for specific?
I grew up fifteen minutes from Disneyland. My entire family {mom, aunt, stepdad, sister, brother, husband...} all worked there {I didn't}. I've had an annual pass for three of the past five years.
I. Love. Disneyland.
I love that I can be a kid for a day, without having to worry about anything. I love the rides. I love getting my picture taken with the princesses. I love that every time to go, even if I've been a thousand times before, I find something new.
9. My Bed
Who doesn't love their bed? Some of the best things happen in bed...
Like naps. Duh.
I love sleeping. I can, and often do, sleep for twelve hours at a time. If I could sleep that long every night, and still have enough time in my day to do everything I want to do, I so would.
I love my bed.
That's not my bed, but doesn't it look comfy? {via We Heart It} |
10. This Blog
I really do love this blog. And I love all of you. You have no idea how amazing this experience has been, to be able to share with you my thoughts and my dreams and my insecurities and my writing. The support I get, the kind words and the sweet comments, is more than I ever could have asked for, and I sincerely thank all of you. Blogging is really the best kind of therapy, and I know that I wouldn't be as happy as I am without it.
So that's it, my ten favorite things. And because I was tagged in Andrea's post, I want to tag three more:
And if you decide to do a favorite things post, let me know! I can't wait to see what you have to say.
Love you.