1 // First of all, I felt the need to share the amazingness that is my bun. This was definitely a good bun day.
2 // Olive loves laundry. She will jump up onto the laundry basket before you even put it on the ground. She sleeps in the laundry basket with the warm clothes. It's hilarious!
3 // I've been feeling really frumpy these days, and I hate it. Do you ever go through phases where you feel just really unattractive? I know it'll pass, but I just can't find the energy to do my hair every day or dress cute all the time. Thus the bun.
4 // Speaking of having no energy and being lazy, I actually had a nice lazy weekend. The first in a while, really. I read five really terrible books, though they weren't actually that terrible, since I kind of liked some of them. And oh holy hell, if you liked Fifty Shades of Grey, you need to read this book. I liked it almost more than Fifty Shades, and that's saying something.
5 // I saw Breaking Dawn (twice) over the weekend. After the first fifteen minutes, I knew I was going to hate the movie. Throughout the rest of it, however, I found myself cursing at that twist (that twist...I swear I thought I was going to have a heart attack), and bawling like a freaking baby at the end. I don't know that they could have come up with a better ending for the series. Probably not my favorite Twilight movie, but it was definitely decent (if not filled with cheese to the extreme and moved a little too fast at the beginning).
6 // Twelve days and counting. Twelve days of work left until I start the rest of my life. I can't wait.
P.S. I want to thank you all for the sweet comments you left on my last post! I promise I will answer and thank all of you individually, but until then, THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart, you have no idea how much your support means to me. Truly.