I can't believe it's finally here! I am so excited for this week, and definitely not because I'm heading back to work after a week off. I'm excited because it's finally time to link up your handwriting posts! I announced the link up a few weeks ago, and I can't wait to see what you all came up with.
Just in case you forgot, here are the guidelines for the post:
Of course, these are just guidelines and you are more than welcome to include whatever you'd like in your post! I just ask that it's handwriting related, and I'll be deleting those posts that don't follow the theme.
With that note, here's my own post! I had a great time with Emily from Anna Delores Photography taking these pictures. It was a lot of fun to meet a blog friend in "real life" and we hit it off right away! Definitely go check out her blog for lots of pretty pictures and inspiration.
Of course, what would a post be without a picture of Olive Duff? She was just too cute in her little red riding hood sweater, and we had to get her in a few of the pictures.
And now, it's your turn! Link up your handwriting posts below, and be sure to visit a few other blogs to say hi. That's the point of link up, isn't it? And if you feel so inclined, I would love it if you would include my button on your post!