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{Virtual Coffee}

Coffee is necessary today. I don’t need anything frilly; my travel mug filled to the brim with the delicious stuff {straight from my brand new French Press, mind you} is all I need. I’m sitting at my desk, and while I don’t mind it at all, I would much rather be sitting with you somewhere, actually having a cup of coffee together.

If we were having coffee together today, I would tell you how bad I feel for my husband right now. He didn’t get to sleep until 4:00 this morning and I had the unfortunate responsibility of waking him up at 6:00. I guess that’s what happens when you are in grad school. All nighters. *Shudder*

If we were having coffee today, I would tell you that I’m just starting to get those “I’m following you so visit my blog and follow me” comments. I have to say that I don’t really appreciate them {and I’m sure, neither would you}. In fact, I would go so far as to say that they are extremely annoying and that I might just delete them as I get them. It is rude and a serious breach of blog etiquette, in my opinion at least. I follow blogs that I find interesting. If you leave me a sincere comment, I will more than likely visit yours and follow it {if I like it, of course}. But blatantly telling asking me to follow you back is just not okay.

If we were having coffee today, I would tell you how excited and nervous I am for work right now. Our company is going through some major changes, including changes in my own department, and I recently found out that I am going to be given a lot more responsibility soon. I just hope I’m good at what they give me.  

If we were having coffee today, I would tell you how boring my life is and how I can’t really think of anything else to tell you. I would ask you, though, what exciting things are happening in your life {because I’m sure it’s much more exciting than my own}.

So tell me, what exciting things are happening in your life?

Much love,